1st Quarter Newsletter 2021

from The Nutcracker Lady

Since 2020 has been a year of lockdowns and frustrations, let’s have a fun Nutcracker Year for 2021. Let’s decorate for each month, remembering that nutcrackers are not just for the Christmas Season but are special and bring joy any time of the year.

For January we could decorate with a skier to remember those trips to the mountains, or a snowman like we used to have in the yard. For February we could have a president nutcracker in honor of Presidents Day, or a gaily colored Valentine Man. Then, of course, we need a jolly green Irishman for St. Patrick’s Day in March.


April brings Easter and after church the children go on an Easter egg hunt, so let’s show an Easter Bunny nutcracker for April. In May we should display a soldier nutcracker to remind us of the bravery of our fallen servicemen. Graduation is the highlight of many families in June as the young people don their cap and gown.


July is a special month for Americans as we celebrate Independence Day and we could decorate with an Uncle Sam nutcracker or Lady Liberty who holds the torch of freedom. August is a fun vacation month so a fisherman or hiker would be in order—or one with ball and bat as we sing “Take Me Out to The Ballgame”. Then it is back to business as the children meet their teacher in September.


October brings the goblins and ghosts as children canvas the neighborhood for sweets, and a witch nutcracker by your Trick or Treat bowl would be fun. In November we listen again to the story of the Pilgrims and Indians as they celebrated a bountiful harvest together. December brings out many Santa nutcrackers, but you may want to join the millions of people who love the Nutcracker Ballet and display Clara with the special nutcracker she received from Herr Drosselmeyer.


Yes, nutcrackers are decorative and fun for every month of the year! The Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum has a 60 foot wall showing the holidays, festivals and other events that are held each year in this Bavarian Village. Come and celebrate with us.

Arlene Wagner, The Nutcracker Lady

Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum



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Monday - Saturday 11-5pm
Sunday - 11-4:30pm

We suggest visitors arrive at least 30 minutes before closing.

Our Mission Statement

"To foster and encourage the interest of the general public of the importance of nuts in the diets of humans throughout history and in the evolution of the nutcracker. No other tool or collectible has shown such a wide diversity of material and design as the implements used to crack the hard shell of a nut".