Advice from the Nutcracker Lady

 Collecting Antique Nutcrackers!

If you are starting an antique nutcracker collection, we suggest you arrange a visit to the Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum in the Bavarian Village of Leavenworth, Washington to see the endless variety of antique nutcrackers that have been made over the years from strictly utilitarian mechanical to delicately carved wood, from hand forged iron to beautifully cast sterling silver, and from simple designs to works of art. This will help you decide what kind of nutcrackers you would like to have in your collection.

If you cannot see the museum read as much as you can on the internet or in books. Bob Mills’ book "Nutcrackers" published by Shire Publications is a small book loaded with information on antique nutcrackers. Another book out of print, but probably available through the library is "Ornamental and Figural Nutcrackers" by Judith Rittenhouse, published by Collector Books. “The Art & Character of Nutcrackers”, by the Nutcracker Museum shows several hundred antique nutcrackers.

Some terms you need to get acquainted with are Figural which means it is made in the image of a human or an animal, Treen which is the term used for old wooden articles used in the home, and Patina which is the rich glow that comes with age, usage, or oxidation. Sometimes the word nutcracker will be divided to make nutcracker, and the English usually use nutcrackers.

Some people collect only the useful mechanical nutcrackers made especially for the pecan nut. The pecan is native only to America and is found in many of the southern states. Because of this, inventors were encouraged to develop the “perfect” pecan opener, and many have been patented since the US Patent Office opened in 1836.

The hand-held metal levers are popular collectibles. The Le Secq des Tournelles Museum of Rouen, France shows ironworks from the 2nd to the 18th centuries and has a large display of early nutcrackers. You will also find many such nutcrackers in the Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum. Some of the very earliest ones are works of art even though the metal being hand forged was red hot! Many varieties of handheld-lever type nutcrackers have been produced in the United States and Europe over the past 200 years. You can find these metal nutcrackers at antique stores and shows, at garage sales and auctions. You may even find some of these old lever nutcrackers in your grandmother’s kitchen, since nuts did not always come from the store all shelled and packaged.

Many cast brass lever nutcrackers were made in England in the 18th and 19th centuries. Some are plain, while others are ornately decorated. You will find cats, dogs, lions, crocodiles, skeletons, and the popular ladies legs nick-named “Naughty Nellie’s”. You will also find Shakespeare, Fagin and Sykes, and Mr. Pickwick.

Cast iron figural is another favorite category. Most have these have been made in England and the United States. Some will date back to the late 19th century. Once the difficult task of making the mold was finished, a great number of a design could be produced very easily. You will find many copies of the original dogs, squirrels, and crocodiles.

Carved figural nutcrackers make for an exciting collection. The early 16th, 17th, and 18th century specimens were usually made for the cob nuts, the small wild hazel nut. The most elaborate ones were made in France though other European countries also produced nutcrackers. Boxwood and Yew woods were mainly used because of their tight grain that facilitated longevity. These early nutcrackers are extremely expensive and elusive, but you can easily find those made in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Some collectors will collect only the human figurals, others will also collect animal forms. While most of these nutcrackers are of the lever type, many will be found using the screw mechanism.

The Anri wood carvers in the Italian Alps produced many nutcrackers in the early part of the 20th century. You can find pictures of many of these in the book Anri Woodcarvings by Philly Rains and Donald Bull.

You will want to choose each piece for your collection carefully so you will enjoy it for years to come. Watching your collection grow brings much satisfaction and finding a special nutcracker at an antique show is always exciting!

Arlene Wagner, The Nutcracker Lady

Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum



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Monday - Saturday 11-5pm
Sunday - 11-4:30pm

We suggest visitors arrive at least 30 minutes before closing.

Our Mission Statement

"To foster and encourage the interest of the general public of the importance of nuts in the diets of humans throughout history and in the evolution of the nutcracker. No other tool or collectible has shown such a wide diversity of material and design as the implements used to crack the hard shell of a nut".