Please meet our "Nutcracker Team"

These lovely ladies extend a cheery welcome to you and are ready to introduce you to the museum or to help you pick out just the right gift for your loved one from the store. You are sure to find something else too, just for you to enjoy.

When visiting the Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum our first priority is to our museum visitors & customers. We enjoy meeting everyone that comes through our door and working with children and adults that set out to conquer our ever-popular nutcracker hunts.


ARLENE - curator / founder



MICHELLE - curator in training




DEBBIE- Administrative


JULIE - gift shop/museum



ASA - gift shop/museum




LARIAH - gift shop/museum




RAEANN - gift shop/museum



RON - building maintenance manager




GUILLERMO - building maintenance






Quick Links

Contact Us

Monday - Saturday 11-5pm
Sunday - 11-4:30pm

We suggest visitors arrive at least 30 minutes before closing.

Our Mission Statement

"To foster and encourage the interest of the general public of the importance of nuts in the diets of humans throughout history and in the evolution of the nutcracker. No other tool or collectible has shown such a wide diversity of material and design as the implements used to crack the hard shell of a nut".